Industrial Licensing


We support the implementation and updating of industrial licensing.

The exercise of industrial activities is regulated by Industrial licensing, whose official name is the Responsible Industry System (SIR), according to Decree-Law No. 169/2012, of 1 August, amended by Decree-Law No. 73/2015, of May 11.

It aims to prevent risks and inconveniences resulting from the industrial activities, safeguarding thus the public and workers‘ health, hygiene in the workplace, the territorial planning and the quality of the environment.

The industrial licensing application applies to the installation, modification and operation of industrial establishments of the different economic activities corresponding to the NACE listed in Annex I of DL No. 73/2015.

As it can be a difficult and time-consuming process, STREAM quickly and effectively supports your company in implementing and updating its industrial licensing.

Our methodology starts with the current diagnosis of the industrial establishment, followed by the instruction and monitoring of the industrial licensing application.

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STREAM has extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of various sectors and is in a privileged position to understand the market, both nationally and internationally, and to better advise clients, who consider Portugal as an investment destination.

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